Theres this one thing that takes all of us, including staff, workers ,everyone living in this 100 acres campus, under it.No one is out of its reach. It treat all of us the alike, never biased, ever tall in front of anyone.
Its so simple looking , you might mistake it to be fragile for a moment but it doesn't take very long for it to show that it is well above you will ever possible go in your mortal life.
They call it the rain.
There you go , already losing grip as i said the word, cause its just a weather condition to look at first time.
Is it really?
As once someone said once, "Don't think as you hide from me in your stone built home while you destroy the trees, the home of my children ,killing them, without giving a second thought to the infants who drown in me, mothers who die in attempt to save them,
destroying communities, lives. Don't think that you've overpowered me this way. You're not going anywhere just yet."
Apart from the fact that the speaker for the above piece is the Rain itself and the writer was me, this somehow hints at the ignorance we as humans pays to the rain.
We don't normally realize how short it takes for the rain to make us feel, really miserably insignificant in front of it.
Don't know what i'm saying ?
Try to think about it when the rain only breaths at you, only gives you a glimpse of its true strength and you start running for shelter, to hide from it. Try to think of its magnificence then. It makes you keep your head bowed low, makes a bright day go as dark as night.
Of all the things I believe, one is " You can either hide from true power, or you can accept your powerlessness over it, the second might just make it easier for you "
So, Have you really feel that way in this year's rain at Juet?
If not, get out of your stone built hostel rooms, go outside and breathe it. Let it pour on you. Feel it on you, let it go deep down in your body,in your heart. Make it a part of yourself. Ive done it time and time again and every time i've felt a power beyond any humanly possible limit.
Ive Been Soaked. Have you ? :)